Program hangs @ Camille

Betrayal in Antara (Sierra)
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Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:02 am

Program hangs @ Camille

Post by mikelpikel »

Hey, i have a constant problem, was wondering if someone could help?

Firstly, the program is in win 95 compatability mode, and the squirtthecat patch installed.

--WinXP home, 2002, SP 3, Pentium 4, 2.8GhZ 512mb Ram, Raedeon X300 graphics card--

Im up to chapter four, and i need to get to Durst. However every approach i have tried to take leads to the computer locking up after a fight has finished, or before it starts. The hourglass just stays there and the program hangs.

It happens alot during the game, and i've come thus far by going around the fights that cause the computer to crash/taking alternate routes. This time, i cant get around because at every possible entry point into Durst (Via Camille) the game will hang, the fights occur at the indicated locations in the attached file

*****See the attached jpeg for visual description********

On the long road from Isten to Durst, Where the road coming from Camille Intersects
the road from Isten, at the bridge, there is another crash causing fight, At the bridge, right pretty much exactly where the intersection occurs on the map. (3rd location, not included in attachments)
FIRSTLocation.JPG (57.53 KiB) Viewed 17187 times
SECondlocation.JPG (53.43 KiB) Viewed 17187 times
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:02 am

Re: Program hangs @ Camille

Post by mikelpikel »

Let me clarify, Its not at every fight which prevents me from continuing (although there are, and have been other situations i can mention). Its the ones in the pictures, if you havnt already established that.

---- Does anyone know any alternate routes to get to Durst, i.e a Coach, or a mountain pass?

---- Can someone send me a save game file of Chapter four, at Durst?

---- Is there a game hack where i can arrive at a town i want to?

Or if anyone knows of any other solution to my problem?

would be muchly thankful

---- Mike
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